Madrasah / Class Room  Construction Project:

Education is the backbone of a Nation. Also as a Muslim, religious knowledge is a must to gather. Many students are interested to be a religious scholar which is only possible by attending School or Madrasah education system. Moreover, School / Madrasah education system is also upgrading with the demand of era which helps students to make not only religious minded but also law abiding, gentle and well behaved citizen.

School / Madrasah education is also economically reasonable comparing to modern education system. Poor guardians want to put their students at Madrasah for the reason. So, the opportunity of being educated increases for deprived students by choosing Madrasah education.

It is a matter of great sorrow that, most of School and Maktob of our country are dilapidated. They need repair, re-build, re-structured and improvised. PSB is taking initiative to make a better scenario by taking proper steps. Every year PSB is building notable amount of School & Maktob Classroom and improvising the existing in a guided way .